Monday, October 14, 2019

Connecting the Dots

Connecting the Dots (Questionnaire format)
(1) Are the themes from one post that tie into other posts? if so, what are those connections?

There are connecting dots among the themes of blog posts. My first blog was to write about my alias economics John Bates Clark and connect his job to our class work. Then, I wrote about the transaction cost, opportunism, team structure and "illinibucks". All the themes are tied as an economics of organization. Transaction cost introduces any type of cost that occurs for the transaction. I was supposed to write about my experience in organization and transaction cost related to my experience. Opportunism is discussed in the class that it is like a car sneaks in at the end of merging lanes instead of waiting in the right lane. For team structure, I wrote about the most successful organization in my life based on the text book's explanation. Lastly, I wrote about "iilinibucks", which is the way of thinking how to line up in the huge organization like a college.

For the better organization, the member should understand the concept of transaction cost and opportunism and take advantage of them. Also, "illinibucks" gave me time to think about how to efficiently manage the priority in the organization. Therefore, each theme has its own small concept but they are tied into one big concept of the organization.

(2) Aside from addressing the prompt are there ways to connect what you wrote about to course themes? Were there connections that are more obvious to you now than at the time you wrote the post? if so, can you elaborate on that?

At first, it was difficult to connect one theme to another themes. Because I focused on each week's blog post and sometimes I could not understand the theme as well. I was more like rather concentrating on each blog post than connecting the dots. In addition to this, it was vague to connect each theme with few posts. However, I can see the connection between each concepts of blog posts by reviewing them now.

(3) Has your process for writing these posts evolved? Please explain how that has come about.

When I started to write blog posts, it was even hard for me to follow blog post rules. For example, I tend to be slightly off the topic and I did not satisfy minimum counts of words. However, after reviewing and responding to professor's comments and seeing other student's blogs, my writing has been evolved.(At least, trying to focus on the theme and following the basic rules). In addition to this, I could discuss about blog posts in the class time, which is helpful to understand more about the post's theme. Plus, as I learned about organizations of economics, some knowledge learned through the courses helps to understand next's concepts.

(4) Now put yourself in the position of writing the prompt (this one or other prompts for future posts). What would you like to see? Can you give some reasons for that.

If I put myself in the position of writing the prompt, I would see the connection to the course. I feel like writing blog posts is digesting raw knowledge. Therefore, if the writer can connect the concept and apply the concept to another in writings, this is a good sign of learning the stuff. Next, I would also consider examples as important values. It is ideal to learn the course context in real lives, which means that invaluable information in textbook is converted or melted in each one's life. Therefore, I would see connectivity and experience in writings.


  1. This is late. What couldn't you get this done yesterday?

    1. I am sorry for the late post. I feel bad because there is even a warning post about deadline in the main blog. I was very busy with a conference that I am attending last weekend. I will try my best to submit the post in time in the future.
